Log Vår Gård
Planning for new challenges

Strategy meetings

When it is time to make important strategic decisions for the future, a meeting is needed that creates the right conditions. We offer a beautiful and secluded environment with large areas by the sea where the meeting form can be easily adapted to your needs. Book your strategy meeting in a safe and inspiring environment with us.

vargard personal service call 08-7487760 or email bokning@vargard.se

vargard personal service call 08-7487760 or email bokning@vargard.se

When it is time to make important strategic decisions for the future, a meeting is needed that creates the right conditions. We offer a beautiful and secluded environment with large areas by the sea where the meeting form can be easily adapted to your needs. Book your strategy meeting in a safe and inspiring environment with us.


  • Breakfast sandwich with coffee
  • Lovely lunch with freshly baked bread and coffee
  • Coffee buffet with the bakery's best pieces
  • Three-course dinner with the season's best ingredients
  • Overnight stay in our cozy single rooms
  • Generous breakfast buffet

Many flexible and creative environments for all types of meetings.
A peaceful accommodation with several room categories.
Unique taste experiences from the kitchen and own bakery.
Sustainable stay for you and the environment.
(Swan-labelled hotel) Scenic surroundings with forest and sea.
Exciting art and history.
Place for creative group activities.
Facilities such as sauna, relaxation area and jetty for relaxing alone time.
Training opportunities both outside and inside. Caring service throughout the journey.

Our most popular meeting room for management teams:





Inspirational environment for important decisions

When we now get to see each other again, it is important to find our way back to our community and gather strength for future projects. To be able to make the right decisions in strategic matters, it helps creativity to be in an inspiring and relaxed place. We offer flexible meetings with spacious premises and beautiful surroundings. When you visit us, you always get a holistic experience with delicious meals, caring staff and time for reflection in scenic surroundings.