Log Vår Gård
Exhibition & opening at Vår Gård

Welcome to the opening

Vår Gård is turning 100 years old and we are celebrating that by highlighting our cultural heritage with art in focus. During the anniversary year, Vår Gård 's curator Josephine Rosenblad invites contemporary artists to create enchanting worlds through various exhibitions in Villa Skärtofta and Vincaféet. Each new exhibition is inaugurated with a festive vernissage open to everyone.

vargard personal service call 08-7487760 or email bokning@vargard.se

vargard personal service call 08-7487760 or email bokning@vargard.se

Vår Gård is turning 100 years old and we are celebrating that by highlighting our cultural heritage with art in focus. During the anniversary year, Vår Gård 's curator Josephine Rosenblad invites contemporary artists to create enchanting worlds through various exhibitions in Villa Skärtofta and Vincaféet. Each new exhibition is inaugurated with a festive vernissage open to everyone.


Exhibition with works by Margareta Ternström

14 March – 20 April

The incomprehensibly small, the unimaginably large

We begin the exhibition in Vincaféet with hand-picked works from the visual artist Margareta Ternström's (1933-2020) large production, with a focus on her last period, when she develops early digital painting like no other.

In NASA's and CERN's reports, constellations, particle physics and in mythologies there is material that arouses inspiration. In her abstract image compositions, the pixels evoke varied textures, surface and depth. Through the image, in time and space, we get to go on a journey to the exoplanets of outer space or deep into the smallest components of the atom, in colorful geometric expressions. Discover and be amazed by shapes that repeat in the big and the small.


Time and place for new meetings in Villa Skärtofta

Welcome to the opening of the exhibition "Time and Space for New Meetings" where artistic voices from the past meet today's shooting stars.

During the evening, selected works by the artist and sculptor John Olsson and contemporary starlet and textile artist Mirjam Hemström Farsi will be shown.

The meeting between John Olsson and Mirjam Hemström Farsi is about perception, the subjectively experienced space and memories of environments that have embraced us. Both artists push the boundaries of what their respective mediums can achieve with a technically refined touch. They meet in an artistic understanding of the power found in human imagination and empathy. The artistry of both has a strong connection to nature.

May 14

Time: 18:00 – 20:00

Snacks and bubbles are included

During Culture Night Vår Gård participates with open activities where art is the focus. Welcome to the following art activities on April 20:

17:30 – 18:15 — Book conversation with Evelina Dovsten and Andreas Nobel

Conversation and book signing of "The Modern Sphinx" in Villa Skärtofta .

18:30 – 18:45 — Art show for children

Look at two exciting works of art from Vår Gård 's great art treasure.

19:00 – 19:30 — Art show

Take part in Vår Gård 's exciting art and history.

20:00 – 20:30 — Art show

Take part in Vår Gård 's art and history over a century.

21:00 – 22:00 — Lecture with Hertha Hillfon's friends and Karin Rongedal

Take part in the story of popular sculptor Hertha Hillfon. Conversation and mingling in Isaac.

22:00 – 22:30 — Art exhibition of "the incomprehensibly small, the unimaginably large"

Discover digital art by Margareta Ternström. A visual world of myths and scientific findings.

23:30 – 00:00 — The eleventh hour

Nocturnal history walk in Villa Skärtofta .

Take part in the entire program here

All artworks exhibited by selected contemporary artists are for sale.

Here you will find contact details for the artists:

Evelina Dovsten 

Margaret Ternström

Mirjam Hemström


Vår Gård is turning 100 years old and we are celebrating that by highlighting our cultural heritage with art in focus. During the anniversary year, Vår Gård 's curator Josephine Rosenblad invites contemporary artists to create enchanting worlds through various exhibitions in Villa Skärtofta and Vincaféet. Each new exhibition is inaugurated with a festive vernissage open to everyone.

Get to know the contemporary art scene

During the anniversary year Vår Gård highlights its rich art historical heritage, which has been a significant part of the experience and the place for 100 years. Through exhibitions and openings, we get to see both contemporary artists and selected works from Vår Gård 's magnificent art treasure. During the year, the exhibitions will be held in the historic turn-of-the-century villa Skärtofta and in the modern Vincaféet. Each exhibition series begins with an open opening and an "Artist Talk" with the artist. All works presented are also available for purchase. Welcome to the fascinating world of art.

Exhibition "Time and space for new meetings"

During the anniversary year, the exhibition series Time and Space for New Meetings takes place in Vår Gård 's oldest building, Villa Skärtofta . Selected artistry from the collection is presented together with contemporary shooting stars. Dynamics, harmonies and collisions are promised in the dialogue between modern and contemporary art. The intersections shed light on the past, but also provide glimpses of an imminent future.

13 February - 20 April - works by the contemporary glass artist Evelina Dovsten and the modernist designer Einar Forseth from Vår Gård 's collection are shown. In connection with Culture Night on April 20, an open book discussion with the artist Evelina Dovsten and professor Andreas Nobel will also be held as a conclusion to the exhibition.

May 14 - the second exhibition begins with a vernissage where we get to meet works by contemporary artist Mirjam Hemström Farsi alongside sculptor John Olsson from Vår Gård 's collection.

Exhibition "Visionary Power"

As a centenarian, Vår Gård back and is inspired by the forward-looking spirit of Vår Gård school's initiator Harald Elldin (1892-1968). The watchword for the art exhibitions in Vincaféet during the anniversary year is visionary power. Two walls are dedicated to people's dreams and courage. Here, an interplay between diverse artistic expressions, media and practices is shown in temporary art exhibitions. Art provides new knowledge, stimulates free thinking and promotes conversation about the world we live in.

March 14 - the exhibition begins with an opening with works by Margareta Ternström. Be inspired by her digital art with abstract image compositions and geometric expressions that bring to mind space.