Log Vår Gård


Agda is one of our smaller premises for management and board meetings. The room is located in one of the towers of beautiful Villa Skärtofta from the turn of the century. Both the room and the table are round with a lovely view of the courtyard and Baggensfjärden. Get fresh air on the balcony just outside the room and enjoy the sea view.

vargard personal service call 08-7487760 or email bokning@vargard.se

vargard personal service call 08-7487760 or email bokning@vargard.se

Agda is one of our smaller premises for management and board meetings. The room is located in one of the towers of beautiful Villa Skärtofta from the turn of the century. Both the room and the table are round with a lovely view of the courtyard and Baggensfjärden. Get fresh air on the balcony just outside the room and enjoy the sea view.


TV screen 60″
Sound system
Pens & pads
Water & candies

16 sqm
6 people

Up to 6 people

Conference room Agda is named after Agda Österberg (1891-1987) Agda Österberg came from a poor family and worked as a maid. The housewife in that family noted Agda's artistic talents and helped her develop them in evening school. 1912-1914, Agda studied at the Higher School of Art and Design (current art college). During the years 1910-1921, Agda Österberg was periodically associated with AB S: t Eriks Lervarufabriker in Uppsala. She designed and decorated pottery. 1914-1922, Agda worked for Handarbetets Vänner. There she laid the foundation for her great textile knowledge.