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New book by Karin Sundgren

One of our most climate-smart chefs, Karin Sundgren, has published her second cookbook in the name of sustainability, and now it's about scrapping the waste. No Waste, Just Taste is a book that gives us many simple tips and easy-to-cook recipes on how we can reduce our own food waste.

One of our most climate-smart chefs, Karin Sundgren, has published her second cookbook in the name of sustainability, and now it's about scrapping the waste. No Waste, Just Taste is a book that gives us many simple tips and easy-to-cook recipes on how we can reduce our own food waste.

No Waste, Just Taste

Discover how to cook soup on a spike or how wilted mushrooms become a good broth. Join us on a unique food journey without chopsticks where we are encouraged to use all the ingredients without compromising on the taste experience. Karin inspires us to a versatile and fun cooking where sustainability and taste are at the center. The book is a nice going away gift or why not for yourself. Buy it from us or in the bookstore.

