Log Vår Gård
10 Nov 2020

Making choices

Did you also follow the selection pasted at the screen? Did you find yourself refreshing results several times an hour? At least I did, and I know why. I grasp for certainty about the future and a sense of control. How uncertain can a year really be, I think and google a bit more…

The choice is over - but do we know more? Hand on heart - if we all long for the status quo, we're probably fooling ourselves. I do not think it will go back to how it was, whatever it may be. We are changed and we live in a time of change.

Participating actively in elections is part of everyday life and not just something that happens in the democratic process. It's our lives. To take a stand. Making choices. And live with the new conditions we have been assigned.

What can we influence today both at home and in our workplaces? What do the conditions say? That it is and will be uncertain. How do we live with the uncertainty? Well we do it together. We focus on the small choices in our everyday lives, both privately and in our jobs and create security through community. We develop our relationships, our human vision.

I am part of a workplace that has raised the future, sustainability and innovation in the forefront and I have had the privilege of developing together with a group of fantastic people.

We are committed. It's part of our spine. My colleagues give me certainty. I believe in them. The future simply engages and touches. I take a stand for a sustainable and lasting future as an employee at Vår Gård . That's where my voice is today.

Best regards Linda at Vår Gård