Log Vår Gård
The road to the new leadership


Develop yourself, your team and organization towards a brighter future through vertical development. Gain insight into how increased awareness and inner understanding enables and releases a greater capacity in you as a person and leader. Book a lecture or more in-depth workshop with Wholly and Jessica Löwenhielm during the meeting at Vår Gård .

vargard personal service call 08-7487760 or email bokning@vargard.se

vargard personal service call 08-7487760 or email bokning@vargard.se

Develop yourself, your team and organization towards a brighter future through vertical development. Gain insight into how increased awareness and inner understanding enables and releases a greater capacity in you as a person and leader. Book a lecture or more in-depth workshop with Wholly and Jessica Löwenhielm during the meeting at Vår Gård .


The most trendsetting in leadership, team and organizational development right now!

Vertical development psychology - is the teaching of how we as adults develop, and what we need to develop to our full potential as a person and as a leader. Here we offer the map and powerful methods and tools to expand our development and grow the leadership skills required for transformational, synergistic leadership. By fully understanding and integrating previous developmental stages, we also eliminate the triggers that create destructive or conventional leadership behavior.

Inspirational lecture 60-90 min.
2h foundation; 2h further development in various aspects

Develop yourself, your team and your organization in systemic symbiosis!

The leadership of the future is about the ability to manage change as well as create human sustainability and real commitment in its employees. How do we create effective organizations that at the same time make people feel comfortable in the workplace? How do you lead yourself to best lead others? The future needs leaders who dare to lead, take responsibility, be creative and efficient, and at the same time feel good. We now have a unique opportunity to awaken better and more authentic leadership.

1h introduction; 3h foundation; 6 x 2.5h immersion

Learn how to deal with "the difficult" early and grow with it!

Organizations that are adept at catching and solving organizational and relational problems early, before they develop into major problems, grow more sustainably and with better engagement than others. We help you excel in times of change by guiding you through a carefully designed process, born out of some of the world's most validated frameworks for agile organization. You learn to use challenges and conflicts as a source of growth and development.

4h intro; 8h deep; 2 x 8h integrated immersion

"Say less and ask more - and change the way you lead forever!"

Listening is the single most important skill for a leader to cultivate in order to improve communication and strengthen relationships, and thus gain better effectiveness in their leadership.
Leading through powerful questions is what separates a leader from the crowd. People generally do not do what they are told, but what they themselves are motivated by. Through active listening and powerful questions, you lead through the individual's own knowledge and motivation. In this workshop we delve into the key aspect of “Creating connection and relationship”, perhaps the most important skill in transformational leadership.

1h introduction; 3h foundation; 3 x 2h immersion

Lecture 45-90 minutes: SEK 10,000
Half-day workshop/ coach: SEK 20,000
Full-day workshop/ coach: SEK 30,000

Prices apply to groups of up to 12 people.
For more than 20, contact us for a quote

Develops leadership and organization for the future

WHOLLY LEADER DEVELOPMENT collaborates nationally and internationally with the majority of experienced professional coaches and consultants who jointly create transformation, vertical and systematic workshops, programs and processes for personal, leadership, team & organizational development.
Read more about Wholly

LECTURER JESSICA LÖWENHIELM is an experienced international coach, facilitator and trainer as well as organizational consultant within "Vertical Systemic Enterprise Evolution".

Jessica develops individuals and leaders from the inside out to integrate and expand the whole of their potential. She is the founder of Wholly Leadership Development and the UPLIFT vertical leadership development program. LAYOUT:

Wholly offers its existing services in a customized format for your organization's meeting at Vår Gård . Book a lecture or workshop that inspires and enhances your leadership and co-creation by working together as a group during the conference. Read more under themes and content and we will find a tailored solution for your needs and wishes.