Create space for mental and emotional health in the workplace that leads to better collaborations and higher profitability. Explore the life skills we should all have learned in school with Growing Together, a happiness movement for visionaries, trailblazers and challengers who want to help design the present and the future with heart. Book us at your conference at Vår Gård .
vargard personal service call 08-7487760 or email
vargard personal service call 08-7487760 or email
Create space for mental and emotional health in the workplace that leads to better collaborations and higher profitability. Explore the life skills we should all have learned in school with Growing Together, a happiness movement for visionaries, trailblazers and challengers who want to help design the present and the future with heart. Book us at your conference at Vår Gård .
Do you want to join in solving the mystery of the missing happiness? Both in your private life and at work.
Welcome to a workshop in everyday miracles! By visiting some imaginary places, you get to investigate where you might have lost your happiness. Could it be, for example, the thoughts tricking you in "Huvudkontoret" or the way the emotions tumble around you in the "Emotional Carousel" in "Tivolit"?
You also get to explore how to create your life just the way you want it. And the mental well-being comes with the purchase, perhaps accompanied by a laugh when you realize how you messed up your life in the past. At least that's how it was for us.
We want you to know that you are not broken and that you do not need to be fixed. You just need to let go of your rational thinking for a little while and instead let your inner wisdom come forth. You will see something absolutely amazing.
For a half-day or evening workshop, you choose a maximum of 2 "places" from the training. For a full day, maximum 4 "places". The locations are the Miracle Room, the Waiting Room, the Head Office, the Optician, the Statistics Office, the School, the Tivoli, the Power Station, the Theatre, the Bank and the Folk Park.
Full or half-day workshop (afternoon or evening)
Max number of people: 15
If you are more than 15 people, contact us for a quote
A workshop or lecture with many 'aha' and 'haha' for you who want to understand yourself and others better. You will e.g. to understand why some people energize you and others drain you and how easy it is to have a good collaborative climate in the workplace.
In "The world with new glasses" we explore human consciousness and what it has to do with our way of looking at life. And how it affects our mood, our relationships, thoughts and feelings when states of consciousness shift daily.
Since we never actually experience our surroundings but only our thoughts about our surroundings, it is not possible to agree on a common way of looking at the world. Think of so many conflicts that are created completely unnecessarily when the only thing that is needed instead is an insight into how the human mind works. The insight would create a completely new starting point and conditions for healthy agreements.
Read more HERE in our PDF "Why understanding levels of consciousness creates miracles in your life".
1.5 hour lecture or full/half day workshop (afternoon or evening) where the content of the lecture is interspersed with reflections and questions
Max number of people: 15
If you are more than 15 people, contact us for a quote
Do you dare to challenge yourself to have a freer life?
'Bullshit rules' are beliefs that do not benefit you but that you still adapt your life to, often without knowing it.
In the workshop we talk about the difference between a 'bullshit rule' and a truth and what significance it has in both your working life and in your private life. By spying on yourself, you can discover where you are unconsciously putting unnecessary limitations on yourself. When you instead live according to YOUR truths, the magic in life flows regardless of what others think and think. Welcome to a workshop that can help you with that! Life is actually so magical and full of miracles that our rational thoughts almost short circuit.
Some common bullshit rules:
Half-day workshop (afternoon or evening)
Max number of people: 15
If you are more than 15 people, contact us for a quote
If your workplace belongs to the large group of organizations that say "We know what's important, we know what we want, we know what we need to do, but we don't do it", then this workshop series (6 times) is for you.
There is a lot of information on how to work actively with the UN's global goals and contribute to sustainable development in the world. But most of the time, the information focuses on something to be done, instead of what competence and what qualities you need to do what you have to do. Changing the outer world without changing people's inner world does not work.
The Inner Development Goals organization realized this and developed 5 blocks of the qualities and inner abilities needed to deal with our increasingly complex environment and all its challenges. We have added a 6th block on emotions (#3).
The blocks are:
1. To be and relate to oneself
2. To think and relate to one's thoughts (step behind the thinking)
3. To feel and relate to one's own and others' feelings
4. To relate to others (care about others and the world)
5. To collaborate and other social skills
6. To act and drive change
In total, it is about 26 skills and qualities that we all actually have deep down. So, instead of learning new methods and techniques, we must un-create learned patterns and find our way back to who we really are.
If you want to read more about the background to our work with the Inner Development Goals, click HERE for our PDF "Go from talk to workshop with the UN's global goals".
Half-day workshop (afternoon or evening) at your meeting at Vår Gård . The other 5 workshops can be held digitally or at Vår Gård .
Maximum number of people: 15
If you are more than 15 people, contact us for a quote
Lecture 1–2 hours: SEK 15,000
Half-day workshop: SEK 20,000
Full-day workshop: SEK 35,000
The prices apply to groups of up to 15 people. If there are more of you, contact us for a quote
The prices are stated excluding VAT
Lisa Sjöström and Fanny Engström are mother and daughter.
Together they run the happiness movement Growing Together where they work with workshops, lectures and courses. Everything is playfully packaged, because deep insights come when you let go of your rational thinking and look beyond words and intellect. Lisa and Fanny say:
In recent years, many people have become curious about developing personally and spiritually.
So now is the time to put it on the agenda at conferences and meetings, we think. Everyone is human at work too. Imagine a workplace where people have found joy within themselves and also see the simplicity of how the functions of 'thinking' and 'feeling' work.
They have also gotten to grips with the different states of consciousness and learned to trust the life force. This has led to them being safer, finding their own solutions to problems and making better decisions. They also understand themselves and others better. They see things more clearly and understand how they can use their creativity in a new way. And when everyone takes responsibility for their own happiness, all relationships become magical and working together becomes as natural as breathing. When you're up and running and fantasizing, you can imagine what this does to profitability.
Then you realize what a fantastic profit there is with personal and spiritual development in the workplace. And at the same time, it is a gift to all employees that they take with them for the rest of their lives, because it is the people who develop. Read about us, the happiness movement Growing Together and our pillars HERE
Lisa Sjöström is a trained lawyer but has worked with design, events, marketing and as a presentation coach in her own company for 30 years.
After an exhaustion when she had to turn everything she knew about life upside down, she started working as a flow catalyst. Fanny Engström has a master's degree in acting and has therefore delved deeply into how thoughts and emotions work in practice.
Acting and life go hand in hand – collaborating in workplaces is more like working in a theater ensemble than you might think. ARRANGEMENT:
We meet in a physical or digital get-to-know-you meeting where we decide together an arrangement that suits you. We will help you identify what we should focus on when we later meet for the conference at Vår Gård .
All our workshops can be held in whole or in part by the campfire by the sea.
Gathering around a fire to reflect is absolutely fantastic, whatever the season. We can also stay on the rocks, in the forest or in the gazebo on the jetty. Or in a conference room, of course. GROWING TOGETHER COMMUNITY:
For everyone who wants to continue development and communication after the conference at Vår Gård , there is Growing Together Community, a digital gathering place. If it sounds so exciting that you can't wait until after your conference, join the community now. You can find it HERE