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Group development that gives results

Brave Communication

Learning to communicate better with oneself and others strengthens both the community and the corporate culture. Group development helps you achieve better results together. Book a lecture with Brave Communication in connection with the conference at Vår Gård .

vargard personal service call 08-7487760 or email bokning@vargard.se

vargard personal service call 08-7487760 or email bokning@vargard.se

Learning to communicate better with oneself and others strengthens both the community and the corporate culture. Group development helps you achieve better results together. Book a lecture with Brave Communication in connection with the conference at Vår Gård .


Suggested theme;

1. Self-leadership
2. The effective and creative team
3. Proactive conflict management
4. The art of giving feedback that makes an impact



Lecture 1-1.5 hours: SEK 12,000
Half day 3-4 hours: SEK 20,000
Full day: SEK 30,000

The above prices apply regardless of the number of people.

Become braver in your communication with Anna and Anneli

MODIG KOMMUNIKATION consists of the duo Anna Eliasson and Anneli Hammarsten.
Anna is an experienced trainer in communication and leadership.

She is a certified integrative coach, NPL trainer, certified conversation therapist and couple and relationship therapist. Anna is appreciated for her warmth, her clarity and her commitment. Anneli is an experienced trainer and process manager with extensive experience in change management, conflict management and group dynamics.

She is a certified integrative coach, NLP practitioner and also trained in transactional analysis and communication styles. Anneli educates with courage, clarity and love. Read more about Modig Kommunikation here.


Regardless of the subject, a useful and practically useful lecture is offered with both inspiration and theory sections as well as the opportunity to discuss and practice some concrete tool.

Half-day workshop:
Lecture is interspersed with discussion and reflection in small groups as well as in whole groups, where practical exercises of various kinds are also included.

The day ends with a focus on reflection and summarization so that everyone goes home with thoughts about what they can take with them and use in everyday life. The aim is that it should lead to an actual change and not just become distraction. Full-day workshop:
Same content and layout as our half-day workshops, but you have time to go more in-depth at each part and stay longer in discussions and exercises.

There are great opportunities to tailor layouts according to needs and wishes.