Log Vår Gård
15 June 2020


The spring of 2020 was like no other. A few days in March shook us all. For those of us who are experts in physical conferences, it became clear that the need to confer did not diminish through the Corona crisis - the problem was that we were no longer allowed to meet. We needed to change quickly to be able to offer alternatives to the physical meeting.

Development in the wake of the crisis - from one day to the next, Zoom, Team, Stream and Webinarium ended up on everyone's lips. We organized live-streamed congresses, hosted Webinariums and organized digital meetings on a variety of digital platforms. We could no longer meet, but communicate, we did. Maybe more than ever.

Ideas that have lain dormant have been quickly flushed, polished and presented at the speed of light. The future is already here and at present the staff is trained in various digital platforms and discusses the best location for a green screen or which camera equipment is most advantageous for different Webinars.

What can we offer? In the next breath came the needs analysis. What skills are needed now? What investments must be made? In order to offer effective communication to all our guests, structural work began with competence development. What will the meetings of the future look like and how do we prepare for tomorrow?

Digital meetings are here to stay and become a new chapter for Vår Gård and an obvious integral part of our business. Our hope is that during the autumn we will be able to guide you as a guest in digital events and package interesting live-streamed meetings. See you!