Log Vår Gård
With wonderful light


The Marc conference room is one of our most popular meeting rooms. With large windows from floor to ceiling, you have a view of our beautiful surroundings. For a creative meeting, there are whiteboards along the entire long side and a fantastic sound system.

vargard personal service call 08-7487760 or email bokning@vargard.se

vargard personal service call 08-7487760 or email bokning@vargard.se

The Marc conference room is one of our most popular meeting rooms. With large windows from floor to ceiling, you have a view of our beautiful surroundings. For a creative meeting, there are whiteboards along the entire long side and a fantastic sound system.

Everything you need

Projector with screen
Sound system
Pens & pads
Water & candies

80 square meters
80 people